Once connected in network, containers can communicate using only another container’s IP address or name. Technically, you should first clean up containers before cleaning up images, as this will catch more dangling images and less errors. Use docker network disconnect to remove a container from the network. I do the same first for exited processes (containers) alias drmae='docker rm $(docker ps -qa -no-trunc -filter "status=exited")' That way, any intermediate image no longer referenced by a labelled image is removed. The dangling=true filter finds unused images I have an alias for removing those 13: drmi I usually do: docker rmi $(docker images -filter "dangling=true" -q -no-trunc) As always, we’ll get confirmation about each volume that’s just been removed: email. docker rmi (docker images -f 'danglingtrue' -q) Hope it works for you. Remove unused (dangling) volumes in Docker.We’ll use the docker volume ls output as the list of command line options for the docker volume rm command. Command docker to delete containers with status exited and unused: docker rm -v (docker ps -a -q -f statusexited) 2.label ( label=, label=, label!=, or label!=) - only remove containers, images, networks, and volumes with (or without, in case label!=. Remove Unused Volumes in Docker - Unix Tutorial Most Popular Images Newest at Images.until () - only remove containers, images, and networks created before given timestamp.which can be a bit too much.Ĭombining docker xxx prune with the -filter option can be a great way to limit the pruning ( docker SDK API 1.28 minimum, so docker 17.04+) Warning: ' unused' means "images not referenced by any container": be careful before using -a.Īs illustrated in A L's answer, docker system prune -all will remove all unused images not just dangling ones. Even unused data, with -a option.įor unused images, use docker image prune -a (for removing dangling and ununsed images). In order: containers stopped, volumes without containers and images with no containers). 2016: Docker 1.13: PR 26108 and commit 86de7c0 introduce a few new commands to help facilitate visualizing how much space the docker daemon data is taking on disk and allowing for easily cleaning up "unneeded" excess.ĭocker system prune will delete ALL dangling data (i.e.

For example, you can connect a single container bridge and overlay networks.Update Sept. You can connect a container to one or more networks. Network but launched from different Engines can also communicate in this way. Support multi-host connectivity, containers connected to the same multi-host For overlay networks or custom plugins that

Once connected in network, containers can communicate using only anotherĬontainer’s IP address or name. A dd the -f flag to force or suppress the warning messages and confirm deletion of Docker system elements, like this: docker system prune -f. Use docker network disconnect to remove a container from the network. The docker system prune command remove s non-running containers, unused networks, unused image s, and the build cache for the Docker engine.To verify the container is connected, use the docker network inspect command. $ docker network connect -ip multi-host-network container2